Expanded Project EEO BULT in Nepal to Dolkha province.
Kathmandu university(KU), Tribhuvan University ICTC(TU ICTC), and National Research Foundation of S.Korea(NRF), NSDevil expanded the...
7th, 8th U-Learning schools in Nepal.
Kathmandu university(KU), National Research Foundation of S.Korea(NRF) and NSD expanded Project EEO BULT to 2 more province in Nepal....
CAN Conference in Nepal
NSD participated to CAN Conference in Nepal. At that time, NSD introduced Project EEO BULT in Nepal to participants from several...
An exam based on UBT in Dept. of special needs education, Tribhuvan University
An exam based on UBT in Dept. of special needs education, Tribhuvan University. #Nepal #UBT #TU #TribhuvanUniversity #Specialneedseducation
3rd ULTP in KU, Nepal.
Kathmandu University held 3rd ULTP(U-Learning training program) in Nepal. 13 teachers from 6 schools in Nepal, 5 professors from KU, TU...